Discover the perfect massage for your body's unique needs.
At Wholistic Body Solutions, we offer a range of specialized services designed to promote healing and relaxation. Not sure which massage to choose? Book a Custom Session for a personalized experience tailored just for you. This session can include a combination of various techniques, ensuring you receive exactly what your body needs to restore balance and well-being.
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Swedish Massage
The most common massage as it is a full-body relaxing massage with medium pressure to soften and relax the tissues/muscles. Perfect for any first-time massage or follow-ups. The manual manipulation of soft tissues via long broad strokes, muscle kneading, and tapping for therapeutic purposes such as: -Increased blood & lymph circulation -Relaxation of muscles -Maintaining healthy blood pressure -Stress and anxiety relief -Feelings of well being -Nerve stimulation
Sessions Start at $85

CranioSacral Therapy & SomatoEmotional Release
Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that enhances the functioning of the craniosacral system, which comprises the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. By releasing restrictions in the body’s tissues, CST supports the central nervous system and aids in natural healing and resilience. This holistic therapy is widely used to address a range of physical and emotional conditions, such as: Chronic pain Headaches (tension, migraine, cluster, sinus) Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma Auditory problems Stress-related dysfunctions Arthritis Colic, inner ear problems, and learning difficulties Behavioral disorders in infants and children (ADD/ADHD) Whiplash Autism Epilepsy Bell’s Palsy Altitude sickness Sinus issues Post-surgery tissue tightness or scar tissue To complement CST, we offer SomatoEmotional Release (SER), an advanced therapeutic process that assists the body in releasing suppressed emotions and the residual effects of trauma. By addressing these deep-seated issues, SER supports complete structural healing, helping to restore a sense of peace, balance, and well-being. CST and SER can also be applied to equine health, offering relief from physical and emotional stress for horses.
Sessions Start at $85

Infant & Pediatric Therapeutic
With these sessions, the child remains fully clothed and is treated on a padded table or therapy floor. Through very gentle touch, the therapist monitors rhythms in the child's body and uses delicate manual techniques to release restrictions throughout the system. These sessions are generally deeply relaxing, creating feelings of warmth or gentle pulsing in the areas where the therapist is working. Reactions to these treatments may vary. Children may sleep through the session, while others may be alert, and even crawl around (toys come in handy to distract them and keep them stationary). Older children are usually comfortable lying on the table and relaxing. Parents stay in the therapy room and can participate in the child's session. We use a combination of CranioSacral therapy and traditional infant massage techniques to work with infants and children. These therapies have been shown to help children with: ADD/ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorder Cerebral Palsy, Erb's Palsy Chronic Ear Infections Colic/ Reflux and Digestive Disorders Connective Tissue Disorders Emotional Difficulties Failure to Thrive Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Hearing Disorders Lactation Issues Learning Disabilities Motor Coordination Impairments Neurovascular or Immune Disorders Post-Surgical Dysfunction Seizures Sensory Processing Disorder Speech Disorders Tongue and Lip Ties Torticollis & Plagiocephaly
Sessions Start at $65

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. Wholistic Body Solutions therapists use the Vodder Method which is completed through a series of gentle, rhythmic motions that are non-invasive and follow the path of lymph flow around the treatment area. By performing the Vodder method lymphatic drainage massage we can increase the volume of lymph flow by as much as 20 times. Lymphatic drainage techniques have been found to help with chronic and subacute inflammatory processes, e.g. chronic fatigue syndrome, auto-immune disease, arthritis, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, acne, eczema, etc. Also many other dysfunctions or symptoms such as muscle strains/sprains, cellulite, spasms, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, PMS, sleep disorders, depression, skin tone/complexion/wrinkles, fibromyalgia, hangovers, jet lag, chronic gastritis, stress ulcers, etc
Sessions Start at $85

Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger point is a firm, palpable, highly irritable spot in a taut band of muscle fibers or fascia characterized by exquisite tenderness, referred pain, and loss of range of motion. Trigger point therapy is a highly effective technique used to alleviate chronic pain and physical dysfunction. Through isolated pressure, the therapist is able to release these spots. Active trigger points exacerbate several syndromes as well as joint, muscle, and visceral pain. A few examples include: -Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome -Piriformis Syndrome -Headaches -Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)
Sessions Start at $85

Myofascial Cupping Therapy
Myofascial Cupping is a unique treatment that uses suction to lift the tissue as the cup is moved by the therapist to decompress tissue. The cups come in various sizes depending on the treatment area needed. Myofascial Cupping can help with: -Poor Circulation -Low Back Pain -TMJ Disfunction -Chronic Pain -Arthritis -Trigger Points -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome -Migraines -Bursitis/Tendonitis -Plantar Fasciitis -Scoliosis -Scars and Adhesions -Fibromyalgia -AND MORE!
Sessions Start at $85

Raindrop Technique
A sequence of anointing with oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body through the power of Young Living essential oils! The oils are applied to reflex points on the feet, then along the spine in a specific manner.
Sessions Start at $110

Sport Massage
Specific to the athletes sport of choice, sports massage can benefit the athlete tremendously. There are 3 categories of sports massage. -Event massage to assist the athlete on the day of an event. Before, during, or after a performance. -Maintenance massage is the regular bodywork the athlete receives during training and development. -Restorative massage supports recovery from surgery, as well as minor and severe injuries. The importance of massage for athletes is imperative to promote the body's full potential. Some benefits include but aren't limited to: Improved endurance, increased flexibility, decreased risk of injury, toned muscles, support joint function, assistance in the healing of micro-tears, increases range of motion, and minimizes recovery time.
Sessions Start at $100

Traditional Thai Bodywork
Traditionally given on a floor mat with clients fully clothed, Thai bodywork is a whole-body treatment. It combines passive stretching and movement of joints with several touch techniques and works along energy meridians. Thai Bodywork improves flexibility and energy flow and helps achieve deep relaxation, and feelings of well-being.
Sessions Start at $90

Reiki Healing
Reiki is a Japanese technique that works with the subtle vibrational field that surrounds and penetrates the body. It is great for stress reduction, and relaxation, and also promotes healing and balance throughout the body. Reiki treatment is facilitated by light, non-manipulative touch to the recipient. A full Reiki session is administered while the client is fully clothed, or Reiki can be added to any other modality. Reiki is both powerful and gentle, in its long history of use it has aided in helping to heal virtually every known illness and injury including life-threatening problems like multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer as well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headaches, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, and impotence.
Sessions Start at $85

Four Hands Healing
The description is in the name. This is truly an offering with not just the hands of one therapist, but the hands of two therapists working fluidly with one client. During this session, the client remains fully clothed while practitioners use light intuitive touch to facilitate significant healing deep within the body of the client. The benefit of four hands instead of two is great! Working together, we can find and release restrictions at a fraction of the time that it may take with one set of hands! This may help speed up integration & recovery time for the greater good of our client's body and being.
Sessions Start at $100

Therapeutic Maternity Massage
A combination of advanced therapeutic techniques that are calming for both mommy and baby! Providing awesome relief for many pregnancy discomforts including but not limited to: Chronic back and neck pain, edema, nausea, heartburn, anxiety, stress, headaches, hip problems, and sleep problems. This session also can help prepare the full-term body for easier labor, delivery, and recovery.
Sessions Start at $85

Ashiatsu-Thai Body Work
Deepest Deep Tissue Massage!!! We Got Your Back! Barefoot Ashiatsu treatments include long fluid deep tissue compressions using gravity & the body weight of the therapist, full-length body stretches, and traditional massage techniques. This is a fabulous treatment for creating change in chronic soft tissue damage, it provides deep relaxation, detoxes the joints, stimulates lymphatic flow, and healthy blood circulation; Promoting a healthy nervous system, immune system, and all other connected body systems!
Sessions Start at $90

Chair Massage
A chair massage is an easy, fast way to help ease the tension and stress of our every day. Chair massage is performed in a special chair with arms supported and face resting in a cradle while the client remains fully clothed. In this manner, the therapist is able to release tensions and stress that the client may be holding in their neck, shoulders, back, and arms. This therapy is a quick and easy way to get rid of those problem knots of the upper back and shoulders!
$85 per hour/ 2hr minimum/Outcall Only
Energy Medicine Treatments with Rod Arnold
Guided by Rod Arnold, Reiki Master, and Certified Angel Guide. These are intuitive energy healing sessions that are customized specifically to each individual's body, mind, and spirit needs.
Sessions Start at $85

The practice of using natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots, or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being. We use the pure therapeutic-grade essential oils of Young Living in just about every we provide unless specified otherwise by the client. By mixing different blends of oils specific to each client's needs we are able to effectively enhance certain brain waves more, decrease pain, and create those overall feelings of wellness and balance in the body, mind, and spirit. These oil blends are introduced to the body by absorption via the skin through massage, or through gas exchange in the lungs.
$15 Add-On

This is an anointing with oils along the reflex points on the bottoms of the feet that correspond with the whole spinal column. The practitioner applies these oils in a certain order using the pads of their fingers and then nail bed in a specific manner to promote whole-body detox and healthy body energy flow! Vitaflex is included in Reflexology and Raindrop sessions, but can also be added to ANY other session for $15 (Price is for oils to be added into the session, not time added)
$15 Add-On

This is an ancient form of holistic healing that dates back to as long ago as 4,000 B.C. The treatment begins with some general relaxation techniques, followed by a precise thumb and finger walking technique aimed at applying pressure to every reflex area on the top and bottom of the foot. If a particular part of the body is out of balance, the corresponding reflex may feel tender or sore during the treatment. By activating these 'reflex points' on the feet that correlate with other organs/ organ systems of the body, we can promote whole-body healing! In this session, we also include the Vitaflex technique using Young Living essential oils.
Sessions Start at $60